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Trust Payments
We make payments easy.
It’s in our DNA.
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Whether your business takes card payments in person, online or over the phone, we have a  solution for you.
Trust Payments
Whether your business takes card payments
in person, online or over the phone, we have
a solution for you.
Trusted by thousands of thriving businesses
across multiple verticals, we drive value for our
clients through personalised services, secure
and frictionless payments and innovative
value added products.
What we offer :
24/7 Customer
Quick &
Easy to
set up
Help customers
pay their way
Enterprise merchant portal
With over 400 people across 10 offices around the world we have an acquiring network of over 50 global banks and support business across retail, travel and hospitality to crypto, gaming, and financial services sectors.
Enterprise merchant portal
Request a quote
We are part of Infopro Digital Group, the leading Information Provider for professionals.
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Companeo Ltd, Fifth Floor, 133 Houndsditch, London, EC3A 7BX, United Kingdom. Registered number: 05604379
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